Indoor cats are less likely to struggle with parasite infestations, though. Cars kill more cats per year than the number of cats that are killed … As a result of this, I had many many cats come and go as a child. There is a flip side to this, though. You can find low-cost spray bottles online(link to Amazon) or at a local hardware store. and are at far less risk of contracting parasites and infectious diseases such as the feline immunodeficiency virus. It does mean that you must respect your cat’s need for space, though. This will provide limits to how far your cat can wander. If your cat is female and unspayed, pregnant is a lifelong possibility. This, in turn, means the cat is less likely to struggle with parasitic infestations. The explanation for this simple. 03 января 2017 Sue Hartley ответила: I think my answer to that would be that it’s much more difficult to meet a cat’s needs when they’re kept purely indoors. Keeping cats indoors removes access to these hazards. These cats are protected from traffic, disease and aggressive animals. 1. This will not reduce hunting instinct, though. You can help reduce that number by keeping your pet cat safely indoors, on a leash, or within an outdoor enclosure. In her article, Should You Let Your Cat Go Outdoors? Cats who stay indoors have longer lifespans than those who are left to roam outdoors. My mother hated cats and demanded that our pets weren’t allowed permanently indoors and that it was a waste of money to bring any animal to the veterinarian. Boredom can also lead to overeating and obesity. The female wants to mate, and any intact male will be willing to oblige. A feline that cannot discover new scents and territory may quickly grow restless. A cat tree can be short, or may stretch from floor to ceiling. So, surely this means that the only thing that could be better than owning one cat is two cats.…, Cat are born hunters that usually have wide open, alert eyes. You may not know this until it is too late. Introduce new sensations and scents to capture the imagination. Your cat will likely wail and howl near constantly. Senior cats can be laid low by illness, and sometimes struggle to respond to treatment. If your cat stays inside, it will not meet other animals – domesticated or wild. If your cat has assigned territory in the home, this should not be a concern. Keeping Cats Entertained Indoors Cats need mental and physical stimulation, quite a lot of it. It’s a simple equation. The use of repellents is also known to be effective in keeping stray cats away. Road traffic accidents are arguably the biggest danger to roaming cats. Provide a screened porch for your cat to experience the outdoors safely. Luckily, cats can find enjoyment from playing with almost anything. Cats in estrus emit constant pleas to intact males and announce their availability through scenting. Most of these repellents have strong odors disliked by feral cats. This can make the cat particularly territorial within the home. This suggests that older cats understand the danger of traffic and moderate their behavior accordingly. It may have designs on territory outside the four walls of a home, though. Indoor cats can still develop parasites, especially fleas. The same applies to cats. Keeping your cat as a house cat will help keep them away from busy roads, but some indoor environments can become predictable and boring, leading to stress, inactivity and obesity. When you've tired out your cat, store toys that could harm them (such as toys with strings attached) out of reach. Manage this territorial instinct. As cats grow older, they are typically less robust. Top 20 Reasons to Keep Cats Indoors To Protect Wildlife and Humans. This will prevent your cat from treading feces throughout the home. With the cold weather upon us, here are some tips for making the great indoors an interesting, feline-friendly environment that meets all of your cat's needs. If you retain a strong bond, your cat is unlikely to turn on you. Humans have been debating whether felines should remain indoors since cats were domesticated. Contributions to the HSUS are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. When letting your cat out for the first time, you must stay calm. It also keeps local wildlife safe! If you do not want your cat to go outside, it is your choice. Feral cats are only expected to live an average of 3 years. This does not mean that felines always make the best decisions, though. A domesticated cat is unlikely to be this ambitious. Cats love to look out of the window. Do not get complacent. A lack of stimulation can lead to behavioral issues. Fill this with litter rather than sand. A cat will not act like a dog on a leash. Even if this is not the case, a cat can be seriously injured. Feline herpesvirus or calicivirus, for example, spread like wildfire among cats. 2. The scientists concluded that keeping cats indoors could cut the risk of the pets picking up infections, but also passing illnesses on to humans, other pets, and wildlife. This can become problematic in indoor felines. The scent of your clothing will also pique a cat’s curiosity. Cats can be master hiders and disguise themselves in the home. Play with your cat each day. All felines have different levels of predatory drive. Indoor cats are at lower risk for injuries associated with the outdoor environment (cars, trains, dogs, predators, humans, etc.) It causes felines no end of distress. Owned, free-roaming cats kill over 700 million birds in the U.S. each year. Message and data rates may apply. To coach your…. Equally, do not let your cat grow actively hostile to visitors or family members. Plant cat grass (available from pet supply stores) in indoor pots so your feline can graze. Depending on the reason for which your cat needs to be kept inside, you may still be able to give them some supervised access to the outside world. This training takes time and patience, for both you and the cat, and it's easiest when your cat is young. I'm experienced in all cat health-related matters, behavioral issues, grooming techniques, and general pet care. If you want an indoor cat, keep your cat home at all times. Sharing your home with a cat is a very rewarding experience. If the cat was ever box trained, she will likely fall right back into the habit. These accidents are frequently fatal. You could also work to satisfy your cat’s wild instincts in the yard. Privacy Policy and If your cat stares out the window for hours, for example, it is showing hunting instinct. Good fences = happy kitties Provide a screened porch for your cat to experience the outdoors safely. If you have a safe balcony, roof garden or enclosed area, you may be able to cat-proof it adequately so tha… This does not mean that felines are anti-social loners. The outside world is where a cat can embrace its natural instincts. A well cared for indoor cat will be provided with abundant food, warmth, protection and stimulation. A sandpit, for example, will give your cat an opportunity to dig. The onus is upon you as an owner to meet your cat’s needs, though. It is likely that an outdoor cat will experience conflict. Allow your cat to roam around your back yard. Another option is an enclosure that sits in a window frame (much like an air conditioning unit) and provides a secure space in which your kitty can hang out. Indoor cats do not get hit by cars. While simple, this technique only works if you are home most of the time and can keep a personal eye on your plants. Protect your kitty from other cats. It is impossible to make any guarantees about a cat’s lifespan. If you live in a peaceful neighborhood in which you can walk without encountering loose dogs, consider buying a harness and training your cat to walk on a leash. Be careful about this habit. If you do lose your cat, contact your local animal shelter immediately to file a report. But…, Cats can develop a sudden phobia of using a cat flap. Yes. Cats are actually safer indoors because they aren't running into other animals or diseases. If your cat does not venture outside, it will not find itself disoriented and disconnected. It also prevents local birds or rodents from being hunted. Cats are not pack animals. Playing regularly with a cat and providing their entertaining toys can easily satisfy their stalking instinct, keep them stimulated and provide the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy. The cat may rail against this initially. If humans spend too much time alone, we become set in our ways and less tolerant. She is keen to get out and mate with an eligible tomcat. If you let your cat roam, stand by this unless medically inadvisable. Ideally, such cats should never have been allowed outdoors, so … Naturally, there is a big difference between cats roaming for a few hours and feral felines. There are clear positives of keeping a cat inside permanently. Cats are natural stimulations seekers. CATS INDOORS PLEDGE. The cat may happen across a dangerous human food. A feline's front and back claws may seem insignificant, but they are essential for climbing, hunting, defending, and territory marking. Be sure your cat does not end up stuck in a tree, either. Factor this into your decision. It’s safer for all concerned to keep the cat inside. Potentially just as dangerous are stings and bites from insects. Your cat is unlikely to return home until she has mated. Keeping a cat indoors at all times removes this risk. You need to decide whether your cat should remain indoors or be free to roam. Keeping cats indoors permanently can be a great way to keep them healthy. To decide whether to keep your cat indoors, think about the pros and cons of this lifestyle. That means near-constant cleaning of litter trays. Kittens who are kept indoors are usually happy to stay there as they grow up. For the former indoor/outdoor cat, a two-box system filled with fine-grain, clumping litter works best. What it does not know is what you do. The cat has entered estrus, aka heat. Kittens who are kept indoors are usually happy to stay there as they grow up. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This is especially common if you have a strong bond. This is preferable to attempting to track down a lost cat and fearing the worst. Shelter workers can give you tips on getting your pet back home safely. Cars. Unless you’re prepared for a litter of kittens, keep your cat indoors. A feline with no experience of other animals will be especially cantankerous. Terms of Service apply. According to one source, more cats are killed by cars annually … These may cling to your clothing and latch onto a cat. Place one where you want the litter box to permanently reside, and put the transitional box at the door the cat once used to exit the house. Larger perches can attach to the side of a house or ground-floor apartment patio. If you constantly interrupt a cat, though, it will look to leave the home for some peace and quiet. It will assume that it has a reason to be afraid of the outdoors. A cat will be fertile for her entire natural life and continue to enter estrus cycles. This keeps your cat healthy, reducing the risk of bacterial urinary tract infections. I'm Richard, the lead writer for Senior Cat Wellness. The cat may not have intended to flee permanently. You could fit your outdoor cat with a belled collar. Indoor cats can experience behavioural problems, but our advice can help Whether your cat lives inside permanently or is on strict instructions to be kept indoors for a period of time due to an injury or illness, our advice will help you make sure they are happy and healthy. As you will see, there are certainly many advantages to keeping a cat inside. What’s more, you’ll need to be vigilant. Applied Animal Behavior Science confirms this claim. There are many circumstances in which keeping a cat indoors may be safer for the cat and therefore, arguably, better for the cat. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue Most cats are already resistant to sharing their home. While few people shed tears over dead mice, eating rodents can be dangerous for cats. In addition to hunting, cats are instinctively driven to climb, dig and claim territory. Your cat wants to make sure you are not visiting other felines. Others may never have been trained on how to enter or leave the home this way. Keeping cats indoors can also save you a lot of trouble as an owner. If this turns physical, bites and scratches are inevitable. Be sure to keep your house full of exciting gifts for them, and spend as much time as you can keeping them company. Sign up to receive our exclusive e-book full of training techniques, problem-solving and important information about caring for your pet. You have to follow cats where they want to go. It's possible for indoor cats to become bored, which can lead to stress and behavior issues. They will not appreciate your cat attacking birds on their property. Altering Your Cat’s Behavior Spay or neuter your cat. The average lifespan of a domestic indoor cat is 17 years while outdoor cats statistically live less than five years. Lack of stimulation and exercise can lead to obesity and behavioral issues, including over grooming, over eating, picking on companion pets, and self-mutilation. A senior cat may not detect a vehicle approaching until it is too late. Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Your cat cannot fall pregnant, but it can impregnate another. Outdoors cats, meanwhile, need to live by their wits. Part of the appeal of roaming outside for cats is expanding claimed territory. This is typically related to indoor cats, though. Consider building or purchasing a "catio" or similar enclosure to allow your cat to get a taste of the outside without the risks. Even the most pampered indoor cat may face tragedy, such as an unexpected and unavoidable illness. If you cannot physically tend to your cat, ask a friend or neighbor to help out. A cat that stays inside cannot run away and get lost. You just need to provide an appropriate lifestyle. The latter can irritate a cat’s nasal passages. If your cat seems desperate to get outside, consider whether this is the case. This can lead to wounded skin and diseases of the blood. If your cat has always lived indoors, it will likely accept this lifestyle eventually. A cat that previously roamed will struggle with a change in the status quo. Do not handle animal feces or urine with bare hands, and wash hands immediately after incidental contact. However, whether or not your cat is willing and able to put up with this is very much down to their individual personalities! Keeping an indoor vs. outdoor cat is a debate that has raged for years among owners. Whether you’re attempting to rescue a neighborhood stray or you’ve decided to keep your indoor/outdoor cat indoors for good, the change won’t be easy. Move Your Plants Few animals are more determined than a feline in heat. This means that your cat will want to follow you, doing as you do during the day. Indoor cats with appropriate stimulation are happy and healthy. Permanently identify dogs and cats through microchip implantation. Jacque Lynn Shultz from the ASPCA notes that indoor-only cats live an average of 10-12 years, while outdoor-only cats survive only an average of 2 years. If the cat has somewhere it can cool off without being disturbed, it will remain happy. Richard earned his degree in journalism in 2008. The occasional open window (make sure your windows have secure screens) or door offers a tempting opportunity for your cat. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 33 known species and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction. This is one of the easiest ways to keep a cat … It will keep cat away from plants and digging the soil out of boredom, and will also be a great distraction from the unwanted behavior as cats react better to praise rather than punishment. Keeping a cat indoors for its whole life is very cruel and extremely unnatural. The Journal of Zoology explains how cats reduced the sparrow population of an English village by 30%. Outdoor cats, meanwhile, can become grizzled veterans, learning how to survive over time. As discussed, indoor cats typically live longer. If your cat is home all day, it will grow used to being alone. Others want to see them firsthand. 2. In addition, the hunting of birds is considered a significant problem. Do not let your cat push its luck too far, though. Photo: Fotolia In multipet homes, redirected aggression is a potential risk if an indoor cat spots an unfamiliar cat in the yard. Oftentimes, threadworm infestations stem from water or soil that contain eggs. It may have lost its bearings and found itself stray. This means that cats attempt to dominate each other. Wherever possible, socialize your cat to a minimal acceptable standard. Cars kill about 5.4 million cats each year, making them the deadliest killer to outdoor cats. If your cat stays inside, it will soil its litter multiple times per day. The cat will turn this frustration on you. Prevention – or, in this case, protection – is always better than cure. Prevention is the best first step. Here are our top seven reasons to keep your cat indoors. If you can, locate the cat tree next to a window so your cat can watch the action outdoors. These are viral infections comparable to the flu. Cats are not always fulsome about their feelings. Factor your cat’s age, temperament, health, and life experience into this choice. There are clear positives of keeping a cat inside permanently. There are four primary explanations for this shift in priorities. For extra insurance, consider having your cat microchipped and keep your contact information with the microchip registry up to date. Indoor cats are at lower risk for injuries associated with the outdoor environment (cars, trains, dogs, predators, humans, etc.) Feed your cat indoors. Forget what you may have heard – it is not, “cruel” to keep a cat inside. Consider building or purchasing a "catio" or similar enclosure to allow your cat to get a taste of the outside without the risks. You just need to help the cat understand that you are in charge. Get rid of the bird feeder, put a lid on the sandbox and keep tight fitting lids on the garbage cans. We also need to consider that cats can be aggressive and combative by nature. Many are struck by vehicles while crossing the road. A cat left unsupervised may inadvertently poison itself. There are certainly some disadvantages to preventing a cat from roaming. Some cats will be happy to lay on your clothes to experience these smells. More importantly, it will ensure your cat does not start eliminating outside the litter box. Of greater concern are conditions like ringworm and even rabies. Estrus is a challenging time for both feline and owner. Some will stalk anything that moves, others are more selective. Other repellents include eucalyptus, citronella, and … It will also, theoretically, protect your cat from predators and wild animals. 2021 can be the year YOU become a hero for all animals. But I don't think it is cruel to keep cats indoors. These range from the comparatively minor to the gravely serious. If you're starting your cat's retraining during the winter, a warm, dry bed to snuggle in may be just the ticket to convince them to stay inside. If you want some respite, you could reach a compromise with your cat. These cats are protected from traffic, disease and aggressive animals. Equally likely is the potential to eat a poisonous plant or berry. My husband, an engineer, once built one for our gang out of scrap wood and chicken wire. The only exception to this rule is when your cat is dozing. Buy a ready-made cat tree (often called a "kitty condo"), or make your own. You will need to combat this within the home. Instead of letting your cat back outside as soon as they're finished eating, keep them inside for increasing periods of time. Equally, older cats are often arthritic. An indoor-only lifestyle for a cat is often chosen by an owner, mainly due to fear for their own cat’s welfare and concern for wildlife populations. If your cat is willing to accept living this way, it remains advisable. By keeping a cat inside, it is less likely to fall foul to aggressive insects. This could be a local pet with owners that cannot cope with kittens. Some cats can even be harnessed and tied to a stationary object to enjoy the outdoors while you are gardening nearby (but be sure to never leave your cat alone while they are tethered). Unfortunately, keeping cats indoors also poses health risks. Indoor cats are pampered pets, with their every need met. For others, it is an act of love. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google 3. This can make it slightly ill-tempered and belligerent. Of course, keeping a cat indoors does not just protect the cat. If your cat does go outside while in heat, there will only be one outcome. There are certainly more benefits to this decision than drawbacks. This means your cat will not be able to go into hiding. Install a perch indoors near a sunny window; padded perches can be purchased at many pet supply stores or through catalog retailers. If your cat does survive a car accident, they usually have severe injuries that will require surgery or … Cats can carry any number of infectious diseases. In addition, indoor cats are less likely to develop worms. Some cats are happy to be submissive, while others will fight back and…, If your cat kisses you on the lips, it is expressing significant affection. I don't know if she will ever stop meowing at the door. Determined cats can escape from gardens. Most of the time, these accidents are fatal. My best friend has 7 indoor cats and they are all just fine. The fewer hazards a cat faces, the likelier it is to prolong its lifespan. Cats are governed by survival instinct. It's a myth that going outside is a requirement for feline happiness. Your cat knows that you go out every day. The way to resolve this is through play. You’ll still need to use preventative treatments. What is true, though, is that indoor cats are likelier to live longer. Consider your neighbors in this too, though. Your cat will pick up on this. Some cats are allergic to bee or wasp stings, for example. Under some circumstances, I accept that there are strong arguments for keeping cats indoors permanently. That means every room, every piece of furniture and everything you own. While cats enjoy toys, Behavioral Processes finds that many prefer human interaction and food. Make no mistake, though; cats want to hunt. Fleas, for example, will happily leap from one animal to another. You should still supervise this. Many owners also sleep better at night knowing their cat is home. These include: These are just some of the considerations that you’ll need to make. Reason to be a test of endurance to this decision than drawbacks tempted out of scrap and. On a leash, or within an outdoor Enclosure climbing opportunities and, in this case, and! Capture them remain happy are killed by cars their natural instincts grow distressed and bored discover the great,. Your clothing and latch onto a cat can be master hiders and disguise in... Accept that there are certainly many advantages to keeping a cat is female and,. Smelling abilities, they are typically less robust cat enclosures can be a great way to keep cats to... Of the easiest ways to keep cats indoors permanently any opportunity to dig bottles online link! Considered a significant problem do so, make your own impregnate another to,... 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